On the 21th of Jan, @kwongildong wrote a note in TwitLonger mentioned about K-ELF are associate with VIP and Cass about a serious matter. K-ELF are mad at B2uty(Beast/B2ST fan's name) who took over the color of the light stick and trying to associate with other fans to made a silent treatment about 10 minutes against B2ST while they perform.
For your information, B2ST's light saber is midnight blue and Suju is sapphire blue. This is the reason why K-ELF wanted to create "Black Ocean" in B2ST perform. This is really ridiculous!
In TwitLonger, @kwongildong said:
"to those who might be curious what my angry tweet was about, well here's a gist of what has been going on. Apparently, some fanclubs(Cassiopeia, VIPs, and ELF(um, surprise surprise?)) have announced that they will be doing a silence treatment(or 10 minute) against Beast in the Dream Concert this year. I know. Seriously? well that's not the problem here. In their so-called 'position against Beauty's using other fanclub's colors,' they have included Sone's name, EVEN WHEN NONE OF US HAVE SAID ANYTHING ABOUT IT. This is ridiculous, and people need to know that SONES DID NOT AGREE NOR APPROVE OF SUCH ACTION AGAINST BEAUTY NOR ANY OTHER SINGERS.
The images below are the ones that have been going around on the internet; first one(http://yfrog.com/f/h4yktamj/ ) the 'position against Beauty's using of other fanclubs' colors' and the second image( http://yfrog.com/gybwlbj ) is the evidence that the creator of this image was an ELF from a fan gallery from Daum.net.
WHOEVER( or ELFs, now that we know who was spreading such rumors lol) need to STOP USING SONES' NAME UNDER THE 'PROTECTION OF SMTOWN.' SONES ARE NOT HERE FOR YOU TO USE AS SOMEONE TO BLAME YOUR DIRTY WORK FOR. please RT this so people can know this." (http://www.twitlonger.com/show/89kc7a)
As you can see, SONE has been written into their list which they had nothing to do with it. SONE got stunned and put up their rage about this matter, they refused about the fact has been spreading by K-ELF.
In 6theory website, @tabi's legal wife mentioned that:
"been going around kVIPs sites and posts but i have not heard or read anything about this 'silent treatment' thing. i saw a post a couple of weeks before about kvips talkin about the Kikwang lighstick but they've long moved on from that since i have not seen anything about it after. and if they have an issue with the lightstick, this is not how kVIPs usually operate. they go straight to the other fanclub involved and talk with their admin just like what they did to T-Ara. kVIPs rep talked to T-ara's company and fandom and agreed that T-ara will no longer sell and distribute their similar crown lighstick.
i could be wrong but from my lurking, kvips have their hands full and are too busy with GTOP and SEUNGRI promotions, plus the ticketing war with Big Show and the upcoming BB comeback. no one even knows if they'll attend the Dream Concert. lol. *shrugs* seriously, if the other 2 fandoms are at war with each other, i hope they wont drag the others especially if the others dont really have anything to do with it. "
As you can see, K-VIP didn't even care much about these matter. Even so, they are busy with GD & TOP performances and Seungri's Comeback. Or, K-ELF just spreading every fansgroup name without any authorization from the group.
In 6theory, @Sharpie wrote that:
"...Elf, Shawol, Cassie, VIP, Sones, Primmadonnas, A+s, so on, became very angry with this behavior. They know Beast is not at fault, in fact they think Beast members are very humble and innocent but due to those bad and crazy fans, they are planning black ocean or the Korean term for it "10 Minutes" to teach those fans a lesson despite Beast getting hurt. All the fandoms are split on whether they want to do "10 minutes" because a lot of them know if they do it, they will look bad and immature, Beast will get hurt, and it may acutally provocate more hate from B2uties. As of now, no fandom is set on doing it but are going to discuss while monitoring B2uties' behavior. Since Dream Concert is probably in May..." (Taken part of the post posted by Sharpie)
@Sharpie is a b2uty and mentioned that long time ago, B2uties is well-manner fanbase and because of the popularity of B2ST increase, their gut increase together too. They bashed lots of other fan clubs and made them hate b2uties. He also mentioned:
"...Beast already knows. This really breaks my heart. Especially since DooJoon went around apologizing to the bashed artists in B2uties place. What really makes me mad is that Beast has done soooo much for B2uties, good and bad b2uties alike, and this is how they repay them. Those duets, those fanservices, those personal tweets addressed to B2uties, those presents Beast sends to certain fans in need... this is how you repay them?..."
This totally a shame to B2uties which their left over work need their idol, B2ST to cover it up. Other commented that,
"...I read about this a few times way back..and I thought this was a great move from the K-VIPs and I am very thankful to the fans of T-ara for giving up something like that...." datiez@6theory
"Beast went through so much crap yet they've worked their butts off till now and they've all been extremely humble. Please don't do it. I don't want to see them cry, even if it's tears of joy. Those tears are joyful because they've been through so much and they were rewarded. Their scars don't disappear." Sharpie@6theory
In the end, "Black Ocean" and "Silent Treatment" will occur is because of the manner of B2uties. But, even so, K-ELF shouldn't do that to B2ST. They think that making B2ST heartache will soften B2uties heart? It is ridiculous, hater is always a hater.
Hope they use other proper and better way against these issues.
Whats your opinion?
Credit: Ksodanews